I suggest asking if there is any seasonality to calls. Depending on
your client, they may have more products sold at a certain time of
year, need certain functionality/reporting help at tax time or end of
year, or get more calls when a quarterly upgrade occurs.

I also ask for reports or metrics - these are often broken out for
various tiers in support levels (Tier 1- simple answers; Tier 3
complex, technical follow-up).

I ask manager how their team is measured for success or performance?
This could impact their approach to their work. 

What work arounds they have developed or learned form a co-worker. 

What work seems redundant or should be simpler?

One presenter at UPA mentioned asking about what others have a
problem with so you deflect the discomfort the intervieweee may have
with telling a less flattering story.

I always ask for copies of cheat sheets or locally saved
documentation that is better handled as version controlled/open
documentation and I watch for sticky notes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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