
The simple truth is that you don't like Microsoft. I get it. But
it's not a constructive point to make on this list.

There is nothing preventing you from using this app on your chosen
platform. You aren't being denied anything. You have your personal
preferences -- sometimes they work in your favor, and sometimes they
don't. It is your choice. However, your method for "expressing
dismay" (however misleading the euphemism) is highly insulting to
those who don't share your viewpoint.

As someone who chooses different personal preferences, I would
respectfully ask that in the future, you try to avoid airing this
particular gripe at individuals who develop products. I'm sure a lot
of people were involved in its development, and your comments dismiss
and demean their hard work simply based on the name of their

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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