On 6 Aug 2009, at 15:35, jennifer wolfgang wrote:
What I've come to realize while reading your responses and mulling
it over a bit more is that our VP, as well as many in our
organization, honestly - in their hearts - feel that what the company
is doing on the website is exactly what our visitors want/expect.

It's a classic mistake. Leading to all those terrible web sites where the site navigation is basically the company's org chart.

The absolutely best way I've ever come across for convincing folk in this situation is to get some real customers into the office, put them in front of the web site and record/show management what actually happens when they try and use it.

Needn't cost a lot in time and effort. An edited highlight reel that includes all of the swearing is especially effective. Don't treat it as user testing. Treat it as propaganda.


http://quietstars.com  -  twitter.com/adrianh  -  delicious.com/adrianh

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