I think you've got most of the points covered; it's just tough
sometimes to distinguish between what can and can't easily be
addressed. The unfortunate thing is even in a new implementation
there are often so many issues in play it's difficult to tell. 

A recent review I helped conduct of a newly-implemented intranet at a
Fortune 50 client (developed by the company responsible for half of
the 'top ten' intranet sites) was a complete mess - from IA to
visual design to poor(should be unlawful and maybe is) HTML/CSS/web
standards compliance to just plain painful to use content editing

That said - it's certainly possible to address many of those issues,
but it's important to remember that only a portion of those can be
corrected through better organization and USE of the tools, another
portion can be corrected through better front-end implementation
(many of the 'web part' blocks come stock with poorly done
table/mixed CSS HTML), and the rest are much more difficult to
address as they are mired in 'that's how the tool works' - i.e.
the process for a user to create a page, put web parts on it and edit
that content can be pretty painful.

Certainly lots of challenges, but as a sailing instructor once told
me: when you're starting all the way back, it's the land of
opportunity and you have nowhere to go but up! Categorize the
challenges according to biggest bang for the buck compared with size
of the challenge in addressing it. That way you can find the 'low
hanging fruit' that are easier/less costly and keep resources
available for some of the tougher challenges on your list.

Good luck!


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