What Phillip said  

Considerations in aesthetics beyond the visual
Design as problem solving vs. design as idea manifestation
Design Research 
Getting designs executed
Tools & Materials (not all hammers are equal and some are even bad
with nails)
Collaboration (designers & non-designers)
Leaving the "designer" identity behind. Just "be"
Hiring & evaluating talent; portfolios and beyond
Meaning-based design/economics

Please for the love of g-d lose the "certification" bit. Where is
this relevant in design today?

I also think that issues in design education are far deeper than the
dichotomy you impose. The very nature of education today is in flux.
Just look at the recent decision by GA Tech to combine 3 design
programs into 1 program, or the non-design, design thinking education

-- dave

I'll stop there.
-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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