Hi Jack,
You didn't say who your students are, or what the course goals might be. So
maybe you already have this covered, but I'd add:

- Core readings in design (e.g., Dreyfuss' "Designing for People," maybe
Victor Papanek, a few selected papers,...)

- Selected surveys or cases from the major communities of practice in the
design world (this might almost double as a sort of history survey as well):
graphic design, industrial design, interface and interaction design,
experience/service/transformation design (those slashes aren't meant to
indicate that those terms are synonymous -- I'm just looking to lump a few
things together for the purpose of what looks to be a survey course

- To be current, something about the growing amount of people applying the
design process to significant social and environmental issues

And I'm not sure where you'll fit it -- maybe in design and business(?) --
but you might consider assigning one or more of the first three papers from
Boland and Colopy's "Managing as Designing." 

It would be nice if your students came out of this course with a sense of
the power of the design approach to characterizing problems and creating
appropriately. That, and the core practices of design research,
sense-making, modeling, concept generation, prototyping, validation, and
iteration. The actual practice of design might be a swirling, confusing sort
of uh, weather pattern, but the core or heart of Design has tremendous
power. Knowledge of that power should be (and is being) propagated far
outside the usual design curricula. 

All the best with your course!

- Marc

. . . . 
Marc Rettig
Fit Associates, LLC

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