User Experience.
That's what it's all about now.

On Aug 12, 2009, at 9:49 AM, Rick Spencer wrote:

I would probably try IT, maybe New Media, but you're definitely going
to have to look around.  Companies that post jobs and roles often
themselves have a difficult time with deciding what category it
belongs in. Their needs and expectations are almost NEVER exactly
inline with either the industry standard, the labels available on job
sites, or your qualifications and experience.

I tend to try a few different titles and terms Interaction Designer,
Architect, Design, Designer, Information Architect, UxD, IxD, etc.

If I'm job searching I want to throw a wide net and catch everything
out there, then decide more judiciously what jobs I'll apply to.

Once I've bookmarked a BUNCH of jobs that seem remotely designerish,
then I start deciding which ones I want to apply to/ focus on, and I
try to get more info to decide whether I could be a good fit or not.

Go wide with your search, and then spend focused time and effort on
jobs that interest you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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