maybe they are 'drinking the kool-ade' because they are happy, well served customers. How sinister and evil is that?


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 31, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Charles Boyung < > wrote:

I think you just about hit the nail on the head here.  Apple really
does not care about what users may or may want.  They never really
have.  Apple depends on their following to do everything for them,
and telling outright lies in the marketing that they do do.

Most Apple consumers are so completely out of touch with what they
are buying, they would never think twice about upgrading their iPhone
instead of replacing the battery like you wanted to do.  That's why
they don't offer any sort of battery replacement on the iPhone.  Why
try to make a $10 profit on a battery replacement when they can make a
$100  profit on a new iPhone?  There are probably more people that are
just going to take that second option rather than do what you did and
look for third-party solutions just because they don't know any
better and trust Apple because they think that they are the "good"

On top of that, just look how many people upgraded to the newest
iPhone at full price when their existing phones were still perfectly
good.  When you've got people drinking the Kool-Aid like Apple does,
you're bound to take advantage of it as long as you canl.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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