Most people I know only upgraded their phones once their contract had
expired and they got a substantial discount on the next phone.

I've seen many iPhone users upgrade well before contract expiration at the
full device cost.That's a big difference.

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Tracy Boyington <> wrote:

> I don't understand your logic here. Are you saying people upgraded while
> they still had "perfectly good" phones because they were hopeless Apple
> addicts? Are you under the impression that before the iPhone, people
> only upgraded when their phones died? Because most people I know upgrade
> because they want a new phone, even if their existing phone works. And
> did this long before the iPhone hit the scene. My husband and I have
> owned one or more cell phones ever since they came in a bag, and neither
> of us has ever upgraded because our current phone no longer worked.
> >>> Charles Boyung <> 8/31/2009
> 1:20 PM >>>
> On top of that, just look how many people upgraded to the newest
> iPhone at full price when their existing phones were still perfectly
> good.  When you've got people drinking the Kool-Aid like Apple does,
> you're bound to take advantage of it as long as you canl.
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