I guess you will to address  UCD as philosophy.

As previous gays said, there're two level for UCD in the design culture, one
from design philosophy perspective, other from process perspective. Design
cant avoid the former one, because all artifact is "by the people, for the
people and of the people", but that dosent means one should follow some
named UCD process ( most of the case, it more like a street to a dead end,
but it's not a reason to say design is not centered on people and people's
needs ).
On of Jared's argumentation is good design, or the quality of design, which
is the a very good topic, but that's a different perspective for design (
UCD is for the people from philosophy perspective ), good design is for the
quality perspective, they have no conflicts from the root,  treat them as
conflict or same level problem is a problem.

-- Jarod

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Ali Naqvi <a...@amroha.dk> wrote:

> Jared:
> Okay I have been reading all your comments carefully. Also the ones
> you made in my post.
> You are against this term since you claim that "no two practitioners
> of UCD do the same thing....".
> As humans we are different from each other and have a different
> creative mind. Following UCD doesnt mean that you HAVE to do the same
> thing as another practitioner of UCD. I bet, if you hand out a project
> to two different UCD practitioners, these will develop different
> solutions to a problem YET both will be acceptable and based on User
> Research. Does that mean that UCD is a useless term? I don't think
> so.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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> http://www.ixda.org/discuss?post=45169
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