"Even with that said, this Genius Design approach can fall flat on
its face: Apple TV."

Of course it can, but so can UCD and I would claim do more so

And I think that one have to separate the success of the products
from the usability of the product in this discussion.

Genious Design is not a guarantee for success, it's just makes it
more likely that you are able to advance your product the right way
and think about how things are connected.

Genius Design is a much more honest approach IMHO. But yes it
requires experienced designers/UX/developers. And I think that is
what our clients pay for.

Who was it who said that "Nobody ever built a statue of a comité" ?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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