Hey Jerome, good to see you here.

I've seen that interface (or a very similar one) before.  The
biggest problem in my mind is that most users have enough problems
using a mouse, where they only need to use one hand and (at most) a
couple of fingers on that hand.  Now forcing them to use all ten
fingers to work with their applications and manager their workflow? 
That would be a disaster.

Also, from an accessibilty point, this causes serious problems.  What
if a person has lost a finger, or a hand?  Or doesn't have good
mobility in fingers/hands/arms?  The standard X/Y coordinated plane
with windowed applications, provides a much simpler interface where
other input devices can be created and mapped to allow for better
accessibility to those that may have a handicap.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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