Reply To DRU Post

Wow. I could write a book, start a consulting firm, and do the
lecture circuit on what you just posted. I guess we are all doing the
same things?

I have been through everything you have described. From my limited

- The transition points between SDLC and PLM and the new Agile
process are critical and you must have total commit and buy in. SDLC
and BRD lifecycles should be looked at as  Release Planning. The full
SDLC becomes a Release, so Agile actually forces something few
companies do well, which is a "real" vision that has 10 year and 5
year roadmap cycles that are not feature based. But that right there
is so alien to senior management, especially when they quit and quit
and quit whenever ownership comes up. 

- BRD's are a competing set of poorly formed requirements. The BRD
might have a place if you are using it like people here are, they are
getting creative with it to address strategic portfolio management.
Not a top down, but a bottom up approach. 

- Backlogs written as Goal Driven Narratives (aka User Stories) and
prioritized around themes (one to many) let you write periodic User
Tests that have end to end workflows. This deals with the big
problems with SCRUM, namely, weak or poor Product Owner(s)(should be
a team, not a person), and programmers building things in pieces that
at the end of Sprints cant be demoed by a User/Actor.

- Larry Constantine is your friend

- JIRA is a wonderful tool that can be used as part of a Bayseian
Engine with something like BigVisibleCruize and rBehave. I cant say
enough good things about it.

To the abstract models... exactly. I am dying to share what I have,
the time is know. Flick a switch and you have Ben Fry like
abstraction models of the systems and research that is all fully

Come on everyone, put down your NDA's and share.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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