Thanks for the observations re: the BBC.  The Beeb - and Apple - came
up most frequently in our early research on the topic as examples of
good multi-platform experience.

I'd certainly be in agreement that the BBC has made its content
available through a wide range of platforms.  However, I wonder how
much further it can go to combine those platforms into something
which taps into their unique capabilities?

It strikes me the BBC's multi-platform story is currently dominated
by a desire to present content appropriately for each platform. 
That's a great starting point, but I think the truly special
multi-platform experiences will come when they're able to derive a
unique new feature from the combination of two or more platforms, not
just reformat.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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