Should good designers read %u201Cin the history of adjacent design
disciplines%u201D? Yes.  My guess - all responders here agree with
that notion. So actually the debate is not around what I perceive as
your main point. It is more about tone, language, twitter lists,
whose fault it is etc... 
You say you meet many juniors who do not read outside recent Ixd more
practical stuff. Well you are probably right; they are probably not
great or even good designers. Some of them will never be. Others will
mature, read more, have the talent and experience and become good
designers. Are all designers really good? Do all designers read
great, inspiring books? Hey we%u2019re (as for designers) human, so
for me the obvious answer is NO. The same answer is true for other
design disciplines. Do all Architects read these books? I don%u2019t
think so. Is reading in the history of adjacent design disciplines
part of education programs? Is it part of the agenda on conferences
and journals? Now that is important and it should be there (and
usually is)! %u2026 but you wouldn%u2019t know %u2026
%u201CI don%u2019t follow those names, pay any attention to the
various sites and journals people like me are supposed to read, or
attend the community%u2019s events%u201D
So for me, on your main point %u2013 we agree.
I would like to address two minor issues that came up as part of your
responses here. One %u2013 you are disappointed from people%u2019s
twitter list for not having any inspiring people there. Do you really
mean I will get more deep and inspiring knowledge from someone%u2019s
twits? 140 characters of inspiration- that%u2019s it? Well as for me,
I look elsewhere for inspiration. My twitter is more about fun and
practical info. I think you are looking in the wrong place.
And about language %u2013 I actually envy you for your large
vocabulary. How to write your blog, well that is, as you probably
know a question of goals. Do you want others to read your blog and if
so who are these others. Only you can answer that. I would like to
note that %u2013 some of us actually went to a %u201Cuniversity worth
the name%u201D but the teaching language was not English. I definitely
think that it is not only looking outside our discipline but also
outside our culture, don%u2019t you? 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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