
If this is software I would imagine you can just use something like
USABILLA.COM or a remote capturing device that uses their camera
while they work if they have a built in camera. The trick would be in
your recruiting process.  I think since people are on the go you
really have to consider the locations and things they are doing at
those spots where they might actually take the time to sit and even
use this software. Just because they are on the go doesn't mean they
are actually using the software in those contexts. I'd probably just
run a quick survey and ask what types of spots do people actually
take the time to sit and use the software when they are on the go. 

Then you would want to just think about those locations and wonder if
that really matters how they interact with the computer or the

You want to find out if their behavior in that environment affects
their interaction with the computer or software. So unlike a camera
that is affected by its outdoor or indoor environment because its
context can create different shooting conditions, software for work
might not even be used unless they are in an airport or at the hotel
or at a coffee shop.

And in those environments the main thing that could affect their
usage would be bandwidth, power, lighting, or people being able to
see what they are working on.  So you really have a more limited
behavioral context then you might think depending on what the
software is and what people are actually going to do with it and if
it requires them to actually go only to certain locations because of
a need for internet or a level ground so they can focus and get out
their materials and work on things.  When you consider tools you
might want to worry more about what tools will they need with them to
use the software and are those tools limited to certain environments?
and in those limited environments would you want to make those tools
available to them in the software so they need not have them on their

consider a short list of environments or survey them and then narrow
your list of what things can actually impact the use of this software
and you will be headed in a pretty good direction I think.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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