Well, the first person to tell me he's absolutely getting one (rather
than "waiting to see one in person") is my 70+yr old father. Which
doesn't surprise me, since he's an early adaptor of all things
technological (he has the first generation iPhone, and we were the first
people I knew to get a VCR - and yes, it was a Betamax). It's going to
replace his netbook and the e-reader he planned to order.

Tracy Boyington     tracy_boying...@okcareertech.org
Oklahoma Department of Career & Technology Education
Stillwater, OK          http://www.okcareertech.org/cimc

>>> Jim Leftwich <jl...@orbitnet.com> 1/29/2010 1:31 PM >>>
I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction, based on a
few surprising data points I've already gathered and an intuition:

The iPad is going to make a big splash with older people.

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