The issue I have with this line of thinking is that Apple has already
opened Pandora's Box on the iPad.  With iWork, people will will
create content and they'll want to share that content.  How do you
share anything from one iPad to another?  Are we just going to fall
back to a cloud sharing system?

You might say that this isn't a problem on the iPhone, but the
iPhone is a pure consumption device.  It really isn't a problem. 
The form factor doesn't make anyone want to create anything on it
other than text messages or emails.

Now with this new form factor, I think people are going to want to 
create more and different kinds of content than just emails or
Facebook updates.  As soon as that happens, they'll want to share
that with everyone.

They'll want to use the iPad in a way that it's unclear how to do.
Something's going to give.  I just don't know what.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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