I disagree with your analysis that it is an easily navigable site when
compared to the previous incarnation with respect to three common
tasks that users perform on this page.

1) Task: Navigate to Groups/Events
Cause: Lack of persistent navigation features

In the incarnation before this one there was a set of buttons in the
lower left of the window (modifiable) that were always present
regardless of the screen you were on within fb.  So no matter where
you were, a single click would take you to your Events/Groups/Happy

It had a nice form factor and didn't clutter the screen.

What a person now has to do is navigate back to your home page by
clicking a link at the very top of the page (and heaven forbid you
are scrolled to the bottom of a screen), and then click on the
appropriate item on the left.

2) Task: View updates
Cause: Position and temporariness (sic) of the Notifications item

This is really very similar to the first item, but I enjoyed the
permanence of the Notification area in the bottom right.  It was out
of the way enough that I could open it and then click through each of
the items, read all of the status notification update items (for
instance, see that a number of my friends replied to a certain status
and read those replies), and then once I was at the bottom of that
string click on the next item from the update window.

Two things happen now to make that more difficult.  First, once you
click the Status link to see how a person has commented on the
status, the Notification window disappears.  So immediately I need to
re-open that window after reading through one thread of items.

This task is then made more difficult by the fact that the
Notification window is not a permanent feature on the page.  So after
I have scrolled down through each reply to a status I have to scroll
to the top again, re-open the Notification window area, and then
choose the next item.

3) Task: Logout
Cause: Logout is not a main page item now

This one gets my goat the most.  Not only is it an inconvenience
issue, but the inconvenience of it gives rise to potential security
issues.  In the version before this one you could Logout from any
page with a single click.

You can still Logout from any page, but it requires that you open a
menu item and then choose to do so.  Because of the added step, users
will probably be more likely to just close the browser tab/window. 
There is nothing to say they weren't doing this before, but in using
Gmail and banking websites I had come to think that Logout is a common
function (that is typically the conclusion of any session) that should
always be available.

My gf suggested that this was because facebook relies on advertising,
and so they want to discourage users from logging out - which to me
seems absurd enough that I hope that is not the case.

Conclusion: These tasks seem like very common tasks, and are staples
of every facebook session that I personally engage in.  Insofar as a
redesign should at least consider the tasks that users engage in and
seek to simplify those I feel that this redesign has failed in the
above three regards.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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