Time for the next 3rd Tuesday IxDA Happy Hour. I just got back from
the Interaction 10 conference in Savannah and all I can say is, if
you weren't there you missed out. But you can still come out to our
happy hour next week, catch up with some of the people who were
there, and discuss the future of interaction design. Johnny Holland
also posted a great summary of the workshops (

This is a great opportunity to get together and meet fellow
Interaction Designers, UX designers, Information Architects, UX
Researchers, and everybody else who has an interest in interactive
product and service design. Let’s grab a drink, meet new people or
catch up with people you haven’t seen in a while, and get inspired
and inspire others.

Also, friends and colleagues are more than welcome to come enjoy the
happy hours with us, so feel free to share the group with others you
know that might be interested. Anyone with Seattle ties who often
travels to Seattle is also more than welcome.

This is a regular event that takes place every 3rd Tuesday of the
month (unless anybody knows of any competing events that happen
regularly on a 3rd Tuesday - please let us know if you do and we can
move it)

Tue, Feb 16, 2010, 6:00pm

Pike Brewing Co.
1415 1st Ave, Seattle, WA
(206) 736-5009 
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