Hi Marcus,

I think you should avoid anything that might stop the user flow
through the form. Try not to prevent users from entering the address
in the way they like. 

If you are going to accept international addresses, the challenge is
huge. Can you cope with different alphabets?

You should be ready to take variations in spelling. If you don't,
users may be unwilling to accept your version of the spelling. For
example, I live in Sofia, Bulgaria. When I enter the city in
www.typepal.com, I do it as Sofia and typepal suggests Sofija. I do
not want to accept their spelling; however, I am not sure whether
they will recognize the address if I enter it my way.

If you have autosuggestions, you should let people enter the address
in a way that differs from the autosuggestion. For example,
www.geni.com (a genealogy application) deletes my entry for location
if it does not match an exact value in their database. That's bad
usability, especially for a genealogy app - location names might have
changed in spelling and entirely over decades and centuries.

If you validate the address, you need to find a meaningful way to let
people know you have a problem with what they entered. For example,
the demo at www.qas.com tells "No matches could be found. Please
edit the address or accept it to use a the final address." This is
not enough. What are the consequences? Will I still get my delivery?

In many cases, there are two or more versions of an address depending
on the local authority that maintains the database. For example, the
utilities companies use one version of my address, and the
municipality uses another.

Applying the verification real time might be poor experience. You may
consider asynchronous verification. Let users enter their data. On
submit, accept everything and thank them. Then run your verification
agent. If the agent finds discrepancies, let it suggest matches and
send an email to the user letting her know and asking her to take
some action. I have never seen this done, but think it might work.


Dimiter Simov
Lucrat Ltd. www.lucrat.net
Netage Solutions Inc. www.netagesolutions.com

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