P Kishor wrote:
Hopefully next meeting, wherever it is, will consider a format that
allows the presenter and the audience to spend a longer time to delve
into the issues and really have a conversation. Of course, that does
not obviate "5-min lightning talks" on snack-size issues as well.


I will say that when selecting a venue for next year, a proposal that can
provide many pre-existing labs with computers to do the workshops on will
have an advantage in my mind.  The lab facilities in Lausanne were fantastic,
but that was because they were pre-existing labs.

Having to rent all the workshop machines in Victoria puts a financial
constraint on us that causes a lot of our "pinch".  The conference selection
committee made it clear to this years organizers that we should aim for
affordable conference prices, and that puts an upper bound on the number of
workshop labs we can afford to outfit.

I think the idea of doing the 1.5 hour labs mixed in with the presentations
tracks is a great idea in Victoria and gives us much better utilization of
the expensive machines.  From my point of view as an occational workshop
presenter, it is also a nice option for time length.  Preparing a 3 hour
workshop is quite intimidating.

If anyone can recall my disasterously under-prepared workshops a few years
ago in Ottawa you would know why I haven't done a workshop for two years. :-)

As with many open source and volunteer efforts we do the best we can with
the resources we have.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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