Hi list,
today I have been asked by Dott.Raffaele Grasso (cced here) who is a
scientist at NURC (http//www.nurc.nato.int) to give my opinion
regarding the possibility to set up a special session focused on
interoperability through OGC-ISO standards in the geospatial world, at
the Fusion 2008 conference (see
Just for the records, the Fusion conference is one of the most
important conferences for Information Fusion; the audience interests'
area is a bit broader than the sole GeoSpatial Data fusion but that
the latter would play an important role anyway hence there is surely
space, at least IMHO, for the suggested special session.

Since deadlines are pretty strict, I thought it would have been nice
to ask the people on this list for an opinion on this idea; my goal is
to sense the level of interest that this special session would
received at least from our community in order to decide whether or not
facing the effort required for organizing it. So please gentlemen,
tell me your opinion about this special session; do you think it would
be an interesting idea? What would you like the exact focus to be put
on ? I am interested in any possible feedback you may be willing to

Thx for your time,

Eng. Simone Giannecchini
President /CEO GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Carignoni 51
55041  Camaiore (LU)

phone: +39 0584983027
fax:      +39 0584983027
mob:    +39 333 8128928


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