Hi Tyler,

please add (I tried but cannot)

IX Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS - GFOSS
21-22 Feb 2008, Perugia, Italy

1.-3. April 2008
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany


On Jan 9, 2008 11:15 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Starting into 2008 makes it a good time to update our event calendar.
> You can see events listed on the front page of osgeo.org - but there
> isn't much in there right now:
> http://www.osgeo.org/event/2008/01/10/list/all/all
> Keeping events in this list will help keep them on the radar for
> potential marketing, speaking and promotion opportunities as well.
> If you have an event that you think is important to OSGeo members to
> know about, attend or that open source will be presented at, please
> drop me a note with details and I'll add them to the site.  Details
> should include:
> - Start/end date & time (with timezone)
> - Title of event
> - Detailed text - you can supply it with urls and other markup using
> simple wikimedia syntax if you wish
> We can also handle multiple languages for each event - so feel free
> to include those as well.
> Take care,
> Tyler
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