On 12-Feb-08, at 8:31 PM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
Perhaps it's a good idea to setup (or move) Chris' work to planet.osgeo.org and make it more an official OSGeo Community thing.

I support the idea and have often daydreamed about having a more community-centric site in addition to our main "outward focused" one. Highlighting blogs from "Friends of OSGeo" would be neat, along with other things I like:
* polls
* job postings
* script sharing
* event planning tools
* more that I can't remember...

Unfortunately I don't have the time to really give that a start and it would require support from the web committee. Regardless, setting up the planet stuff wouldn't be huge maintenance, but would still need someone keen to set it up and some support from web committee to get started.

You've got my vote :)

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