
I think this would be counter to the accepted definition of membership

>From http://www.osgeo.org/Membership

*"We emphasize that the only real difference between a Member and a Charter
Member is the right and responsibility to vote at the Foundation level. It
is not our intent to make the Charter Members out to be some "privileged"
class. Furthermore, the only real difference between a Member and a
Participant is the self-registration on the Foundation's website. All
mailing lists, projects, committees, and other Foundation activities are
uniformly open and available to all friends of the Foundation."*

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Lorenzo Becchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > The OSGeo Community is pretty open and there is no formal membership -
> > everybody invloved in FOSS4G initiavites is allowed to call herself an
> > OSGeo member. So, in the OSGeo Planet idea, everybody involved in
> > FOSS4G is welcome to add her blog to the Planet, without any
> > artificial requirements ("post about FOSS4G or do not post at all").
> >
> > However, I'd limit the OSGeo Planet to people who are involved in
> > OSGeo activities in some way (users, speakers, developers, translators,
> > any other contributors). Just to keep some orientation to the OSGeo
> > world.
> what about just Charter Members?
> will it be just "boaring" because of we "the Charter Members"?
> Lorenzo
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