On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 11:00:54PM +0200, Dirk Frigne wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 08:21:21PM +0200, Arnulf Christl wrote:
> > > What was a Desktop GIS exactly? I only have a browser and for some
> > strange
> > > reason all that I do starts with an http://...
> > 
> > A Desktop GIS is what you switch to when you realize that the browser
> > makes a really poor operating system, and moving outside of it and
> > using
> > the rest of your computer is important to accomplishing some tasks.
> I understand your answer, but instead of switching to the desktop GIS only,
> you should decide to switch to the server in some circumstances for
> accomplishing some tasks...

My response to Arnulf was tongue in cheek: sorry that didn't come across

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer
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