
Well said!

We as a foundation are asking people to undertake roles of responsibility 
without training, guidance or in many cases even an outline of what is 
required. We trust to the good will and experience of the participants 
that noting will go wrong.

One day, something will go wrong and I for one do not want to be on the 
receiving end.

I would like to ask the board to revisit this issue and provide clear 
guidance on just what support official position holders can expect from 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16/06/2008 07:35:29 AM:

> Insurance for office bearers is something I think is important and 
> something I seriously consider when taking responsibility.
> While I enjoy giving a lot of my time to something I believe in, I don't 

> want to put my house on the line in case I make a stupid decision.
> In taking my role as FOSS4G2009 committee chair, I first confirmed that 
> I have no legal rights to approve finances (since I have no insurance). 
> This is not a desirable situation.

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