On Sat, October 4, 2008 01:19, Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
> best Sprint I've ever been:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/European_GIS_Code_Sprint
> ciao lorenzo
> ps: thanks Jeroen!



And better even, it will take place again.

> Paul Ramsey wrote:
>> Everyone loves a good code sprint... or do they?
>> 2007 brought you the one-day sprint (with the GeoToolsers and uDiggers
>> going for an extended weekend sprint). 2008 brings you another day.
>> 2009 is still thinking about it.
>> How much sprinting would you do? 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 days?
>> I am wondering if the right way to handle the sprints is to turn them
>> from something the conference quietly subsidizes to something that OSGeo
>> pays for directly.  That way the conference organizers don't feel like
>> they are having it taken out of their hide, and it can be as long as
>> people like. Also, it fits directly into the OSGeo mission of promoting
>> the development of the software.
>> Book-keeping-wise it's a left-pocket-to-right-pocket transaction for
>> OSGeo, but from a authority and decision making PoV it removes the
>> issue from the plate of the conference team and puts it into the hands of
>> the software promoting team (whomever they may be).
>> Paul
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