Thanks for that Lorenzo and Arnulf! Indeed, mark your calendars because I've booked the week of 15 – 21st June 2009 in Bolsena.

I would be happy to work with people to try to get sponsorship lined up for the event this year. I think last year's event was extremely economical from the point of view of participating (ignoring travel cost!). The total cost was well under 500 Euro for the full 7 days with full boarding.

It will be the same next year, except that for reasons of simplification the price will be 500 Euro to participate (again, full boarding and a dinner in a special restaurant :-) ). The single payment is instead of splitting things up in detail (if you're participating 3 or 7 days, eating all nights, or just 2, etc...). We have space for about 30 people in total, but more precise details will follow on the WIKI later. Start getting organized :-) First come, first served.

Suggestions and help to find sponsors are very welcome.


On Oct 9, 2008, at 7:39 PM, Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) wrote:

On Sat, October 4, 2008 01:19, Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
best Sprint I've ever been:

ciao lorenzo

ps: thanks Jeroen!


And better even, it will take place again.

Paul Ramsey wrote:

Everyone loves a good code sprint... or do they?

2007 brought you the one-day sprint (with the GeoToolsers and uDiggers
going for an extended weekend sprint). 2008 brings you another day.
2009 is still thinking about it.

How much sprinting would you do? 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 days?

I am wondering if the right way to handle the sprints is to turn them from something the conference quietly subsidizes to something that OSGeo pays for directly. That way the conference organizers don't feel like
they are having it taken out of their hide, and it can be as long as
people like. Also, it fits directly into the OSGeo mission of promoting
the development of the software.

Book-keeping-wise it's a left-pocket-to-right-pocket transaction for
OSGeo, but from a authority and decision making PoV it removes the
issue from the plate of the conference team and puts it into the hands of
the software promoting team (whomever they may be).

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