A key attractor we would like to launch at FOSS4G 2009 is a Geospatial Integration Showcase.

"The Geospatial Integration Showcase provides an easily deployable, practical demonstration of standards based interoperability between geospatial applications. After FOSS4G, the showcase should be able to be packaged up and easily redeployed at other conferences and events."

A number of people and organisations have already been very supportive, but as yet we are still hazy on what the showcase will look like in practical terms.

The OGC, a likely supporter, will be talking with our FOSS4G organising committee early next week, and I'd like to table ideas from you, the OSGeo community, to the meeting.

So please speak up:
* Is it acceptable for standards compliant Proprietary products to be part of the Showcase? (This should increase FOSS4G sponsorship)

* Is it appropriate to set a theme or scenario for the showcase, then encourage FOSS4G presentations and labs to use this theme?

* Should the showcase reference external services or should they all be internal? (WMS, WFS, etc)

* What level of service should we expect from participating packages?

* Will projects step up and contribute to the showcase?

* An integration testbed was trialled at FOSS4G 2007 in Victoria with reportedly limited success. What lessons should we learn from that?

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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