
Data is indeed where it all starts. There is a very good demo dataset included with the GeoMoose package, it's aimed primarily at a state (of Minnesota) perspective currently. There are also some municipal datasets in there as well. The interface (GeoMoose) actually scales very well between these types of business needs even in combining the two into a single interface.

I can also get a hold of some municipal datasets if it's something of interest. I'm interested in the focusing of the data uses inside of the different OpenSource Packages. I've especially been focusing on QGIS of late for example.

Would the idea be to combine the data offered up into a single repository, or for setting up individual data stores aimed at specific Business needs?


Cameron Shorter wrote:
Re Data:
I'm expecting to get data. In fact, we might have more than we can handle.

I've talked with some Australian and New Zealand government data custodians and all of them have been excited about getting their data on line. From the data custodians point of view, FOSS4G is a great opportunity to publicise their datasets, and get a bucket load of geeks tweaking open source applications to work with their data.

Jody Garnett wrote:
Cameron Shorter wrote:
The OGC, a likely supporter, will be talking with our FOSS4G organising committee early next week, and I'd like to table ideas from you, the OSGeo community, to the meeting.

So please speak up:
* Is it acceptable for standards compliant Proprietary products to be part of the Showcase? (This should increase FOSS4G sponsorship)
I am still waiting to hear back from FOSS4G2008 - how did having proprietary vendors around effect things? Were they even noticed? What kind of comparisons were being made etc?

As a user of all of these technologies it would be very amusing to have the same data sets being pumped out; witness the recent blogs posts on MapServer and GeoServer performance for an example of this being of general interest.
* Is it appropriate to set a theme or scenario for the showcase, then encourage FOSS4G presentations and labs to use this theme?
I am not too sure about that; presentations and labs are often very specific to the topic at hand. Why not try a carrot; promises that a specific data set (WFS, WMS, TileServer, PostGIS whatever) will be available for workshops to use; make sure it is around 3-6 months prior to the event and you should see it used.
* Should the showcase reference external services or should they all be internal? (WMS, WFS, etc)
Both end up happening; with suitable amusement if external web services are down (or bandwidth is an issue).
* What level of service should we expect from participating packages?
* Will projects step up and contribute to the showcase?
Data is where it starts; do you have data?
* An integration testbed was trialled at FOSS4G 2007 in Victoria with reportedly limited success. What lessons should we learn from that?
Get data; and get it out early; try and arrange some kind of reward for projects that make use of the data? Participation in a panel discussion during the conference talking about applied interoptibility
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