P Kishor wrote:
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Cameron Shorter
<cameron.shor...@gmail.com> wrote:
P Kishor wrote:
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Cameron Shorter
<cameron.shor...@gmail.com> wrote:

LISAsoft has a java implementation of OpenLS which we would like to Open
Source if we can find a sponsor to cover our packaging costs.

What kind of costs are "packaging costs," and what do they amount to
generally, and for OpenLS, more specifically?

P Kishor,
As you are probably aware, just dumping code into sourceforge is not an
effective way to start a successful Open Source project.
There needs to be suitable  technical documentation, development processes
documentation, web pages set up, issue trackers put in place, access writes
granted to developers, and then have at least one champion sit on email
lists supporting new users.
That is what I consider "packaging costs".

The above makes sense, but honestly, I had never heard of this until
now, and I have been tinkering with open source for almost a decade
now. Most open source projects seemed organic to me. Someone had an
itch, they scratched it, they put it out, and the project either
gathered traction, or it died. Seems like my scholarship of open
source has been lacking in this aspect hugely.

Hi Puneet,

I have to run now, so I don't have time for a long answer, but I just wanted to add that Cameron is right... unfortunately it's not as simple as setting up a project on sourceforge even if it may seem to be that way from the user's perspective.

I have been through the process of open sourcing projects several times over the last 10 years, and did it again a few weeks ago with the GeoPrisma launch. I think we are getting better at it as we gain experience, and can confirm that those packaging costs and planning requirements are real and need to be taken into account for a successful project launch. Another aspect to consider that I don't think was mentioned is to balance the pros and cons of open sourcing and not doing it on your own business and on the project/product itself.

Daniel Morissette
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