Just hit my radar, hadn't heard about it before. Anyone familiar with
this conference/org? - Alex

                              COM.Geo 2010

1st International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial
                    8-11 June 2010 Washington, DC

The explosion of computing driven location based applications in the past
few years has revolutionized the way we live and work. COM.Geo is an
international conference and exhibition on computing for geospatial, which
focuses on the latest computing technologies for multidisciplinary
and development that enables the exploration in geospatial. COM.Geo is
an exclusive event that connects researchers, developers, scientists, and
application users in both computing and geospatial fields.

COM.Geo 2010 Conference Spotlight: Cloud Computing and Geospatial


COM.Geo is a leading-edge conference for computing for geospatial. We
invite you to submit research or application papers, tech talks, and
sessions, to organize courses and workshops. Suggested topics include all
computing, geospatial, and applications. The complete details are at:

This program includes full or short papers. Both can address research or
application work.

Courses can be proposed by scholars or company representatives. A
Courses Program will share the very best of computing for geospatial
technologies, such as cloud computing for geospatial, business intelligence
& GIS, Web GIS, mobile GIS, etc.

Tech Talks
These are work in progress, late-breaking research, emerging technologies,
case studies, development techniques, student projects, and exhibitior
technical talks. Either a regular abstract or an extended abstract can be

Invited Sessions
Invited sessions offer focused discussions on specialized topics in Papers
Programs. They can be organized in a specific or a general theme. Proposals
are required to submit.

Workshop proposals are solicited for COM.Geo 2010 in Washington, DC.


Full and Short Papers:          February 19, 2010, 11:59 PM EST
Courses Proposal:               February 19, 2010
Tech Talks Abstract:           March 22, 2010, 11:59 PM EST
Invited Sessions Proposal:   January 25, 2009
Workshops:   Proposal:       January 25, 2009

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