On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_...@wildintellect.com> wrote:
> Just hit my radar, hadn't heard about it before. Anyone familiar with
> this conference/org? - Alex

I could be wrong, but sounds like a scam-ference, speling misstakes and all.

> =================================================
>                              COM.Geo 2010
>                        http://www.com-geo.org
> 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial
>                    8-11 June 2010 Washington, DC
> =================================================
> The explosion of computing driven location based applications in the past
> few years has revolutionized the way we live and work. COM.Geo is an
> international conference and exhibition on computing for geospatial, which
> focuses on the latest computing technologies for multidisciplinary
> research
> and development that enables the exploration in geospatial. COM.Geo is
> an exclusive event that connects researchers, developers, scientists, and
> application users in both computing and geospatial fields.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> COM.Geo 2010 Conference Spotlight: Cloud Computing and Geospatial
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> COM.Geo is a leading-edge conference for computing for geospatial. We
> invite you to submit research or application papers, tech talks, and
> special
> sessions, to organize courses and workshops. Suggested topics include all
> computing, geospatial, and applications. The complete details are at:
> http://www.com-geo.org.
> Papers
> --------
> This program includes full or short papers. Both can address research or
> application work.
> Courses
> ---------
> Courses can be proposed by scholars or company representatives. A
> Courses Program will share the very best of computing for geospatial
> technologies, such as cloud computing for geospatial, business intelligence
> & GIS, Web GIS, mobile GIS, etc.
> Tech Talks
> -----------
> These are work in progress, late-breaking research, emerging technologies,
> case studies, development techniques, student projects, and exhibitior
> technical talks. Either a regular abstract or an extended abstract can be
> submitted.
> Invited Sessions
> ----------------
> Invited sessions offer focused discussions on specialized topics in Papers
> Programs. They can be organized in a specific or a general theme. Proposals
> are required to submit.
> Workshops
> ------------
> Workshop proposals are solicited for COM.Geo 2010 in Washington, DC.
> Full and Short Papers:          February 19, 2010, 11:59 PM EST
> Courses Proposal:               February 19, 2010
> Tech Talks Abstract:           March 22, 2010, 11:59 PM EST
> Invited Sessions Proposal:   January 25, 2009
> Workshops:   Proposal:       January 25, 2009

Puneet Kishor
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