On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 15:28 +0100, Andrea Aime wrote:
> Rafal Wawer ha scritto:
> > Hi Jovi,
> > For a start you can take a look at the evaluation results of CASCADOSS 
> > project - you will find there also other types of FOSS4G software too.
> > http://www.cascadoss.eu/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=16
> >  
> > <http://www.cascadoss.eu/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=16>
> >  
> > The evaluation is a bit out of date - valid for early 2008, but the 
> > evaluation method itself may provide the clues how to look at  and 
> > compare FOSS4G software projects.
> I am wondering if the GeoServer report was submitted to the GeoServer
> community for double checking? I've noticed a few errors in the report
> (even for beginning 2008).
> For example we had in-build testing since spring 2007, the project
> was already more than 5 years old in 2008 and so on.
> Cheers
> Andrea

I also noticed some inconsistencies and omissions in that document. This
is the general problem with canned information that has not been passed
by the relevant communities. It would be much easier to have this type
of documents available in an editable format like a Wiki. I wonder why
OSGeo has not got around to producing something similar? It is obviously
a hard task but if we (OSGeo folks) do not manage to get it done well,
who will? 

Best regards, 

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

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