On 9/06/10 10:40 AM, "P Kishor" <punk.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The last thing that anyone wants is for a major player to implement a poor
> quality application and have problems with the bad publicity that would
> follow.
> We cannot expect that knowledgeable OS Spatial people will always be doing
> product selection. This is often a function assigned to an IT group through
> Enterprise IT Governance processes. The people doing the selection, may or
> may not have appropriate skills and experience.

Due diligence, caveat emptor and all. If the people doing selection
don't have appropriate skills and experience, then those people should
be replaced with people who have the appropriate skills and experience
to do the selection. Makes me shudder to think that not only might we
have inexperienced and inappropriate people at the helm, we are
willing to accept them there instead of changing them.

The point that I was making is that Enterprise IT Governance processes often 
remove the product selection from the people specifying the Business 
Requirements. This is often an IT function. Spatial requirements are often seen 
as a Business function.

In an ideal world, organisations would have people with appropriate IT, 
Spatial, OGC and OS Spatial skills making the recommendations.

In the real world, we cannot expect that this will actually happen.

Have you tried recruiting for people with appropriate IT, Spatial, OGC and OS 
Spatial skills lately (and at government wages...)?

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