On 2010/06/04 1:49 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
For the OSGeo LiveDVD and OSGeo marketing material, I propose we use
a 5 star maturity rating. This is because it is too difficult to
explain in a couple of words, the difference between: "Graduated",
"In Incubation", "Stable", "Beta" Again, I'm interested to hear
comments on whether I have defined a good rating system, before we
set it in stone.

Don't use any "rating system", as that implies to most people
some (usually subjective) judgment. For example, people looking
at marketing materials might think it reflects on "product quality".
It sounds to me like you want to define a simple "categorization
system", not a "rating system".

Don't use "stars", because again, it's too often used as a visual
indicator in "rating systems".

I'm still not convinced in my own mind that doing something as
simple as calling it a "Maturity Categorization", and using
from 1 to 5 OSGeo Logos vs using "stars" would provide a
solution that would be acceptable.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

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