Sounds like an excellent document! Email it on and I'll have it neatly 
butchered. The web portal claim is remarkable, as are claims of limited 
analysis capabilities.



----- Original Message -----
> Some so called SDI experts feel that FOSS SDI cannot perform at-par
> with Proprietary SDI.
> Please provide examples to fight a case from an Indian state which
> swears by Free and Open Source Software. We can never expect a better
> level playing field.
> Kerala - India
> Here are some excerpts from a document that has false claims
> supporting Proprietary Software.
> However, it is worthwhile to mention here that the OSS (Open Source
> Software) does not match the advanced functionalities of many of the
> commercial (proprietory) software that is in the market. Image
> processing and analysis capabilities of the open source software is
> not comparable to the commercial software when one require to carry
> out advanced data manipulations, image fusion, 3D modeling,
> ortho-correction, auto-georeferencing, stereo-image/air photo
> interpretation, advanced geospatial analysis etc., In such cases,
> certain proprietary software become an integral part of the Spatial
> Data Infrastructures, which can not be avoided. At a later stage the
> some of the proprietary software need to be purchased.
> It is a well known fact that web portal that run with OSS are neither
> OGC-compliant nor
> interoperable. At the present juncture it is only possible to
> establish the KSDI Geoportal
> with the available COTS enterprise software.
> The detailed PDF document will be emailed on demand.
> Ravi Kumar
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