This is to bring to your notice that the revised RFP for setting up of
geoportal and clearing house for the Kerala Spatial Data Infrastructure
(KSDI) has been published. The tender document is available

As Kerala is having an IT policy in favour of FOSS, there was some
violations of IT policy of Kerala govt. in the initial RFP, the free
software community raised objections to it. The Kerala govt. then
constituted a technical committee and suggested for a revision of RFP. Now
revised RFP is published. Please go through the document and comment on it.

- Regards,


On 31 July 2010 17:23, *Ravi* ravivundavalli at

> Some so called SDI experts feel that FOSS SDI cannot perform at-par with 
> Proprietary SDI.
> Please provide examples to fight a case from an Indian state which swears by 
> Free and Open Source Software. We can never expect a better level playing 
> field.
> Kerala - India
> Here are some excerpts from a document that has false claims supporting 
> Proprietary Software.
> However, it is worthwhile to mention here that the OSS (Open Source Software) 
> does not match the advanced functionalities of many of the commercial 
> (proprietory) software that is in the market. Image processing and analysis 
> capabilities of the open source software is not comparable to the commercial 
> software when one require to carry out advanced data manipulations, image 
> fusion, 3D modeling, ortho-correction, auto-georeferencing, stereo-image/air 
> photo interpretation, advanced geospatial analysis etc., In such cases, 
> certain proprietary software become an integral part of the Spatial Data 
> Infrastructures, which can not be avoided. At a later stage the some of the 
> proprietary software need to be purchased.
> It is a well known fact that web portal that run with OSS are neither 
> OGC-compliant nor interoperable. At the present juncture it is only possible 
> to establish the KSDI Geoportal with the available COTS enterprise software.
> The detailed PDF document will be emailed on demand.
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