
The best place to check on the status of such rpms is the Enterprise
Linux mailing list (aka Redhat/Centos,SUSE etc)


On 09/09/2010 12:10 PM, Bill Thoen wrote:
> I hope this is the appropriate place for this general-GIS software
> question. Apologies if this isn't it.
> I'm looking for a yum repo or an rpm download site for the following set
> of GIS packages for a machine running Centos 5.5:
> PostgreSQL
> Proj4
> GDAL / OGR tools
> PostGIS
> MapServer
> PHP Mapscript
> Open Layers
> Quantum GIS
> I'd like to have PostGIS compiled with at least these switches or their
> equivalent built in:
>  --with-pgsql=...
>  --with-geos=...
>  --with-proj=...
>  --with-proj-libdir=...
> GDAL should have at least these switches set:
>  --with-pg=...
>  --with-geos=yes
> MapServer
>  --with-proj=/usr/local/ \
>  --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config \
>  --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
>  --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
>  --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config \
>  --with-wfs \
>  --with-wcs \
>  --with-wmsclient \
>  --with-wfsclient \
>  --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config \
>  --with-agg=/usr/local/src/agg --with-freetype \
>  --with-php=
> I used to just compile these from source, but my sysAdminis recommends
> that whenever possible, to use rpms to take advantage of yum's or rpm's
> file management. and inventory capabilities. Since this is a brand new
> machine, I'd like to follow the recommendations of people who know more
> than I do, whenever I can.
> So, does any know if there's a one-stop yum repository or rpm site where
> I can get everything as integrated, compatible rpms ?
> TIA,
> - Bil Thoen

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