Thanks! I've still got to finish getting the machine built and the RAID system set up and get PostgreSQL sorted out. Then I should be in position to start loading up on GIS tools. I'll probably be asking plenty of questions then.

- Bill Thoen
On 9/14/2010 5:41 AM, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
Thanks for all the help and advice on this, everybody! Especially for the
info on EPEL and ELGIS. I guess I had no idea that getting stable and
You can browse the spec files here:

in order to see whether the switches you need are all there.
At first glance I think they are, but if you need some more, I can try
to add them.

software. And it sounds like QGIS is a non-starter on CentOS. But I've got
I'm still trying to get QGIS fully working on CentOS 5, but as Micha
put it, this may not be worth the effort given that RHEL/CentOS 6 is
around the corner.

For the time being you have QGIS 1.4 working, integrated with GRASS,
BUT without the Python plugins (a big limitation).
We also have SRPMS for QGIS 1.0.2 (their LTS version) but there was
little interest in it, so we dropped it.

I appreciate the help as always.
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*Bill Thoen*
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