On 5/10/13, Barry Rowlingson <b.rowling...@lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 7:27 AM, andrea antonello
> <andrea.antone...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also I would have another wish. Is there a way to understand how the
>> workshops were chosen.
>> I see important projects missing, whereas several have kind of
>> "double" or even "triple" workshops.

Yes, surprising also for me.

>> Given the few available slots, I would have expected more
>> differentiation.
>> Would be really keen to understand the process, if there is a simple
>> way to do so.
> The workshop selection process was handed to our workshop subcommittee
> - I've asked them to respond to these issues here on the mailing list
> and personally to you two if that's necessary.
> The balance looks quite good to me, where there is duplication it
> seems to be different aspects of the same project - Postgis Intro and
> Postgis 3d have different audiences, for example. Its possible that
> other projects weren't represented in the proposals which would
> explain their absence.

While I submitted an advanced GRASS GIS 7 workshop, I didn't even
receive a 'your proposal was not considered' notification.
A bit sad for a cofounder of OSGeo and participant of the first ever
FOSS4G Conf 2004 in Bangkok.

> There are a few workshops from OpenGeo, but if
> you go to their website and see how much they charge for commercial
> training, you might see this as us giving people the opportunity to
> get some great training cheaply from some great trainers.

... well, not a convincing argument.

> Anyway, our Workshop Team will address these issues later.

Better sooner :)

(FOSS4G trainer since 1996)

> Barry
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