I concur with Markus. 
I was also surprised to see none of our GeoNetwork related workshops 
represented although they were always well received at previous conferences. It 
would have been nice if we'd had feedback on the reasoning behind that. 
Considering about half the national INSPIRE geospatial catalogs in Europe run 
on the product I consider it a relevant OSGeo product. Reading the thread, I 
note we should also put up a page with high GeoNetwork workshop fees instead of 
always providing them for free at FOSS4G conferences. I may actually start to 
consider that ;-)

On 10 mei 2013, at 10:12, Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:

> On 5/10/13, Barry Rowlingson <b.rowling...@lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 7:27 AM, andrea antonello
>> <andrea.antone...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Also I would have another wish. Is there a way to understand how the
>>> workshops were chosen.
>>> I see important projects missing, whereas several have kind of
>>> "double" or even "triple" workshops.
> Yes, surprising also for me.
>>> Given the few available slots, I would have expected more
>>> differentiation.
>>> Would be really keen to understand the process, if there is a simple
>>> way to do so.
>> The workshop selection process was handed to our workshop subcommittee
>> - I've asked them to respond to these issues here on the mailing list
>> and personally to you two if that's necessary.
>> The balance looks quite good to me, where there is duplication it
>> seems to be different aspects of the same project - Postgis Intro and
>> Postgis 3d have different audiences, for example. Its possible that
>> other projects weren't represented in the proposals which would
>> explain their absence.
> While I submitted an advanced GRASS GIS 7 workshop, I didn't even
> receive a 'your proposal was not considered' notification.
> A bit sad for a cofounder of OSGeo and participant of the first ever
> FOSS4G Conf 2004 in Bangkok.
>> There are a few workshops from OpenGeo, but if
>> you go to their website and see how much they charge for commercial
>> training, you might see this as us giving people the opportunity to
>> get some great training cheaply from some great trainers.
> ... well, not a convincing argument.
>> Anyway, our Workshop Team will address these issues later.
> Better sooner :)
> Markus
> (FOSS4G trainer since 1996)
>> Barry
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