Hi Anthony,
As per emails below, you can see that people have been talking about your "Maps and the Geospatial Revolution" course within the Open Source Geospatial communities.

Are you aware of the OSGeo-Live USB/DVD/Virtual Machine?
OSGeo-Live provides a distribution of 50 of the best Geospatial Open Source applications all preinstalled and configured with sample data, ready for use in courses such as yours. It also includes Project Overviews and Quickstarts for all these applications: http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html

I'm CCing the OSGeo Education email list, which are also doing great things. In particular, they have been building up a network of Open Source Geospatial Labs within Universities around the world.

On 28/06/2013 10:50 PM, Rick Smith wrote:
Myself and two colleagues are currently running a (mini)MOOC on geospatial technology. We are using QGIS for two of the labs and indiemapper for two of the labs We chose QGIS because we wanted to keep the 'Open' in MOOC truly open. indiemapper is not open source, but it is free to use and there is no push for signing up for accounts or paying for services, so we think maybe it is little 'o' open :)

Anyway, if interested, view http://catalyst-academy.org/course/geospatial-tech-for-stemx-learning/ and you can sign up for free at: *https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/KK6JML <https://webmail.tamucc.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=AC1eOI7a4kWyYoJN_gLUyI_cUUyQR9AI-WUGtL9ubS9qdamfDQFC_PqgbX6eM1v-Oy6o2IM0nd8.&URL=https%3a%2f%2fcanvas.instructure.com%2fenroll%2fKK6JML>*


On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas <js...@osgeo.org <mailto:js...@osgeo.org>> wrote:

    On 28 June 2013 01:45, Mateusz Loskot <mate...@loskot.net
    <mailto:mate...@loskot.net>> wrote:
    > Folks,
    > I thought there may be interest here:
    > https://www.coursera.org/course/maps
    > --
    > Mateusz  Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

    Thanks for sharing

    It's funny that this course relies only on a privative online mapping
    platform, with the massive amount of free software and data resources
    for learning available out there. I'd love to see a Coursera/or any
    other MOOC using OSGeo Live!!

    Jorge Sanz
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