Good food for thought Howard, can’t say I disagree with anything you say here.

The only thing we need to consider is that for some countries 50 or 70 USD can 
still be a lot of money.

Best regards,

On 23 Jun 2014, at 16:12, Howard Butler <> wrote:

> On Jun 20, 2014, at 7:38 AM, Cameron Shorter <> 
> wrote:
>> Thanks Paul, Dimitris and Peter for your thoughts.
>> Comments inline.
>> On 20/06/2014 4:31 am, Paul Ramsey wrote:
>>> Both simpler, and better for the bottom line of OSGeo, if you want to
>>> be a member, sign up as a member, collect your t-shirt, see you @
>>> foss4g.
>> Yes Paul, "pay for membership" is simple, but I'd argue that the value of 
>> OSGeo and OSGeo communities is the volunteer time we contribute, and "pay 
>> membership" wouldn't capture that.
> This property is the nature of a professional organization, which in my 
> opinion, OSGeo clearly is. There are a number of strong reasons why small 
> annual fees for membership are very attractive. The first is there's no 
> struggling with members who've dropped off, haven't voted, are no longer 
> participating. Second, anyone who wants to associate themselves can simply do 
> so by paying dues. Finally, a consistent, if small, operating revenue. 
> The voting process has been an ad-hoc affair since the beginnings of the 
> organization. Every year it the rules are tweaked. Every year members who've 
> dropped off need to be nagged. Every year we end up just taking everyone 
> who's nominated anyway. It's a lot of overhead and volunteer cost for very 
> little gain.
> It is certain there are people who wish to be professionally associated with 
> OSGeo who are unable to become members because they haven't generated enough 
> public profile to be nominated. You can't nominate yourself. It's a chicken 
> and egg problem that simply dissolves with paid-but-small membership dues.
> OSGeo's main revenue stream is the FOSS4G conference. It is an event run on 
> the backs of local chapter volunteers. Please correct me otherwise, but I do 
> not think any local chapter who has hosted FOSS4G has ever put in a proposal 
> to host it again. This well may eventually run dry. Or, it may run dry for a 
> year or two. 80-100k/year (~$50-70/year * 1500 persons) of membership dues is 
> plenty to keep the lights on through droughts and still allow the 
> organization to move forward. 
> At the inception of the organization, a driving factor toward our current 
> membership structure is because OSGeo is a volunteer organization, it 
> shouldn't require members to pay money. I think this is misguided. Every 
> other professional organization of which I'm a member requires membership 
> dues. As an IRS classification, a professional organization has a clear path 
> forward. 
> I am a professional open source Geo/GIS software developer. I want to belong 
> to a professional organization that represents me. I would be happy to pay 
> some nominal membership dues that a) signify my membership, b) provide 
> financial buffer for the organization to achieve its mission, and 3) clearly 
> signal what the rules are to become a member.
> My $0.02.
> Howard
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