Comments inline:

For me this is a major outrage, but I understand that OSGeo is focused
> on open software, not on free software. (Remember: free includes open,
> open doesn't include free).

As mentioned in my other email I am pragmatic, focused on what my customers
want, or what the community I am working with is comfortable with. I find
that GPL is loosing its teeth with all the server/cloud software in the
mix, but have not found a rush of projects switching to AGPL ... yet.

> So I would understand collaborations between LocationTech and OSGeo,
> where open is the key and not freedom. And we have found a big
> difference between both organizations: we are more open and more free.

I should point out that OSGeo has a "any OSI approved license" policy and
is decidedly not pro GPL. For that you want another foundation.

> Maybe they still believe that they cannot do bussiness over GPL
> derived licenses. And as wrong as they are, if their main focus is on
> bussiness, it is understandable they are afraid of freedom.

I think the "business" or "commercial friendly" terms are a problem here,
the point of these licenses is not restricted to making money. Much of the
software we do at Boundless is released under a GPL license - and I
consider Boundless as a successful company. By the same token some software
we work with (GeoTools, GeoGig) is released under a more permissive license
- simply because we want to reach a larger audience.

(So look to the intensions of those releasing the software - you are
working with people and organizations after all).

I want to be very clear here - as a member of the incubation committee:
OSGeo is to be inclusive of all projects,

I would hate to give the impression we were favouring GPL software. Not in
the lest because GeoTools is LGPL for the very sensible reason that it was
the most "business friendly" license at the time.

So yeah, please dial it back a notch. You will find that Apache (another
excellent foundation does not support GPL), I could go on but it is a tired
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