Dear Massimiliano,

Your opinion matters a great deal. I don't know if you realized: what you have suggested should be, is pretty much what is the case. Let me explain to hopefully show this is so.

This is all covered in the FAQ <> to try to make it clear & quick to read for any who are interested.

The people who put together the bids for Ottawa & Philadelphia did something positive and bid on hosting FOSS4G in their cities. As part of their bid, they very clearly stated that OSGeo would have the very best visibility it has ever had at any FOSS4G ever and a payment on par with the best ever without any downside risk. In that same sense that FOSS4G has ever been "hosted" or "organized" or whatever word preferred, by OSGeo, it would be the same, should those cities be selected.

The way the process works, the bid team select whom they wish to organize the logistics. And they reached out to LocationTech to hear what they could offer. Using Ottawa as an example (Dave McIlhagga, chair for Ottawa, shared all of this in public on the conf-dev list), after hearing the offer, they decided that they wanted LocationTech to help them organize the conference. For what it's worth, the other conference organizing firms who participated in the meeting & also heard what was being offered, and said openly, clearly, and unmistakably that they felt choosing LocationTech was the right choice.

Also covered in the FAQ, LocationTech does organize many events beyond FOSS4G. And, for what it's worth, OSGeo projects & initiatives have always been welcome at those events. The FAQ also details why there's interest in FOSS4G. It is my hope that you & others find it all quite reasonable.

Kind regards,


On 15/11/15 20:05, Massimiliano Cannata wrote:

Nevertheless in my simple and neligible opinion and understanding OSGeo never wanted to organize any apache event.

If valuable OSGeo members want to host and organize foss4g they can certainly do in their name or in the name of their local chapters leaving out LocationTech from the bussines. If LT want to be at the osgeo event they can send proposal and see if they will be accepted and then they are always welcome as a sponsor.

If we can see that "osgeo" and LT are "sister" organizations then LT could also have a free both and be listed as partner along with other organizations.

Otherwayaround why LT does not organize its own event and then let it be organized by osgeo?


Il 15/Nov/2015 18:48, "Andrea Ross" < <>> ha scritto:

    On 13/11/15 15:42, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

        On 13 November 2015 at 14:24, Jeff McKenna
        <>> wrote:

            why would you create a separate
            foundation with the exact same goals, and then later come
            back to the other
            foundation saying "no, we love you.  Give us the right to
            run your event".


        Jeff, thank you.

        Best regards,

    Jeff, Mateusz

    I have answered this in my other email but I'll repeat here too in
    case it's helpful. LocationTech was founded, by many of the same
    founders and champions of OSGeo, to fill a gap. It has done a
    pretty good job of this. A bunch of what it does, isn't getting
    done elsewhere and is needed. None of this was intended to harm
    OSGeo in any way, and so far as I can see, hasn't even after 3
    years. Feel free to provide any evidence you can offer to the

    People can and do participate in both OSGeo & LocationTech all the
    time.  This is a good thing. It absolutely isn't a zero sum
    scenario. The mutually reinforce each other rather than detract
    from one another.

    Apache existed before OSGeo so the same argument could be used
    there. While I can see how it plays to emotions, I'm not sure it's
    a useful argument.


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