> On Dec 16, 2015, at 3:07 PM, Pat Tressel <ptres...@myuw.net> wrote:
> If you want to point at a company as being the Evil Empire these days, you'd 
> be more accurate pointing at Apple (cancelling licenses for Mac clones, 
> suicides at Foxconn, restrictions on getting apps on iTunes, removing fitness 
> tracker products from their stores because they might compete with the Apple 
> Watch, etc. -- do a search for "apple anti competitive practices")

You were doing fine until above. The rest of your post is indeed very relevant 
and useful and argues correctly for sanity instead of knee-jerk accusations 
(until the above assertions, of course).

The point is, there seems to be a fairly strident Location Tech bashing going 
on, and it is getting to be tiring. Let's stick to keeping OSGeo a fun, useful 
champion of free and open geospatial without becoming anti-anything-free, 
partisan and possibly irrelevant.

Puneet Kishor
Just Another Creative Commoner

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