We already have the technology for lists that support all the various lists that we already maintain. It seems that we could create various new lists, like foss4g, foss4g-na, foss4g-<whatever>, etc and then allow people to sub to these lists. Part of signing up for an event would be to check off if you want to opt-in to the event list for future notices. I would expect these lists to be closed, ie no one can post to the list except the authorized owners.

I think to your point Jody, some rules need to be clearly established on who can access which lists for what purposes.

This makes it easy to maintain the list and lets people sub or un-sub from one or ALL lists easily. When an event is in the planning messages to the various open lists like discuss could have a message posted with a link to opt-in to the event specific list for further information about the event.


On 12/18/2015 1:44 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
Thanks for the research, a few personal opinions inline ...

    8. In our case it is not clear who is the legal owner of the address
    list(s). Is an email address list of the official Dutch local
    chapter OSGeo.nl also owned by OSGeo.org? This gets even more
    complex on the co-operation part: e.g. is a FOSS4G-NA mailing list
    owned by OSGeo, by Locationtech, by the LOC?

Because the way we have structured things it is usually the LOC handling
marketing at each event, reaching out to previous organizers and so on ...

I think of our marketing committee maintained these lists and handled
this aspect of publicity for a LOC then we could maintain continuity
across events.

As an event organizer there can be a great pressure from presenters,
sponsors, etc.. to "follow up" on what they consider to be a marketing
opportunity. The best advice I have had is to stay out of it, collect
contacts at your booth, or put your contact details up on a slide etc...

    10. OSGeo doesn't have a lawyer, nor a "legal committee", I guess.

We reach out to other groups for legal advice when warranted - for
example contacting the FSF on license questions on behalf of projects in

    We do have contact with LocationTech ;-). And I suppose LocationTech
    (or Eclipse) does have an more detailed view of the legal do's and
    don'ts than my observations. How about asking LocationTech for a
    legal advice on this issue (just the facts, no opinions please),

That would be consistent with our approach, the OSGeo board also should
have some budget towards seeking our own legal advice.

Since LocationTech is our collaborator on FOSS4GNA I think we can ask
for guidance for this event. The only question is who should ask?
Michael Smith (our representative) or Rob (event organizer).  I think I
would like to work through Rob on this one, or more accurately through
the foss4gna organizing committee.

Aside: Just as in discussing open source and open data licenses we
should keep in mind this is a public forum. So beyond saying "I am not a
lawyer" we should take care not accidentally cause harm.

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